Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Girlfriends Get It

There are some things in life that just cannot be explained to a man. They will just never make sense, no matter how obvious they appear to you, the woman. And it's not because there's a "right" or a "wrong," but because -- when it comes to certain things -- they just can't think like we do.

Several months ago, my friends Heather and Joe were visiting from out of town. After dinner, Heather helped to clear the table, neatly stacking dishes in the sink as I put away leftovers. She said to me, "I'll wash them all by hand, but I will not load another woman's dishwasher." This made absolute, perfect sense to me, and I thanked her for her consideration. My husband, on the other hand, got a puzzled look and asked what any man would ask. "Why not?"

"Because," Heather said, "she'll just rearrange them all after I'm gone." You know what? She was right, and I love her for saving me the trouble!

Last month, my best friend from home came to visit for a few days, along with her husband and son. It's the first time she's been to my home in the 4 years we've lived in it. Of course, I made sure there were clean sheets on the guest bed and the bathroom was in order. I even bought some wine. But when she arrived, I told her "I did not clean my house for you." She told me she appreciated the compliment, and that was exactly why we'd been such good friends for so many years. Now tell me, how many men could really get that??

Last week, Luanne blogged about her Ratatouille party. She said in her post: I don't know why we are holding stuffed animals - except they were in the kitchen at the time of the picture. Luanne? Holding stuffed animals in pictures for no apparent reason will never require an explanation when it comes to girlfriends (or sisters or daughters, or pretty much any other women on the planet). Also, I'll have to find/post some of my own "matching PJs" pics 'cause you're right, everything's more fun with your matching PJs on!

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