Wednesday, April 8, 2009

(Not So) Extreme Makeover: Me Edition -- Week 7

Week 7 already, I can't believe it! This week, albeit a crazy one, I feel "accomplished" enough in two items to move them off the list and add new things instead. Feels good!
1. Find and read a book to better myself. I'm about half way through the book The Shack, which my friend Brenda sent to me. I don't have a lot of time to read but when I find a few free moments, it's almost painful to put the book down. I'm not really sure where it's going, but what I've read so far has made me think. A lot. I love it! My original plan for "a book to better myself" was more along the lines of "how to get organized" or "how to stress less." But I think The Shack is a far better "bettering" of myself than I could have chosen on my own.
2. Have pretty nails. I pretty much stole this one from Julie, but I'm hoping we can encourage each other. I have always had brittle nails and they break easily, so I never stopped myself from picking at them because, well, they were just going to break anyway. I had acrylics for many, many years and they were gorgeous. Of course, they cost money and more important, time. I stopped getting them done (professionally) around Christmas time and a few weeks ago the damaged part had finally grown off so I decided to let them grow on their own. They're looking OK so far. Now, to find some kind of clear coat / strengthener that will make them less likely to break. Anyone have ideas?
3. Simplify. Might as well have written "achieve world peace" there. This is big, ambiguous and on some days, seems unachievable. However, I've been watching my friend Luanne go through a purge process with her stuff, getting rid of 100 "somethings" each month so far in 2009. I'm not sure that "100 somethings" is the way I'll end up going but I like the idea of taking small steps to simplify -- be it by eliminating stuff or unnecessary responsibilities or something else. We'll see where this takes me but it's time to begin beginning the process.
Still going strong with:
Better skin care
Drink more water
Grump less -- still a daily battle but I think I'm finally winning it!
What are you working on this week? Whatever it is, you can do it! Leave a comment so we can encourage you as you go!


Luanne said...

So I have one thing to report - I am doing fairly decently on cutting back on sweets - one step in a line of many.

As for you, my simplifying may not be all that admirable. Watch your mail!

Julie Arduini said...

I laughed when you said more like achieve world peace.

If there is anyone who could tackle simplify and world peace---its you!

Great work Kat.